
Tails From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-The Ravens Part 2-Their Story

Tails From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-The Ravens Part 2-Their Story

This is the second installment in the Raven series, this video Ravens telling their stories. The stories they tell are thrilling, sad, dangerous, and poignant, of their life and death missions flying combat during the Laos Secret War. Please see Ravens I: Mission and Men on my channel. While most Americans watched the Vietnam War…

Tails From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-The Ravens Part1-Mission & Men

The Ravens While most Americans watched the Vietnam War on television, another bloody conflict was transpiring next door in Laos, hidden from the news cameras and print journalists. A very small, select, group of volunteer U.S. Air Force pilots in a highly secret U.S. government program were fighting a secret war, wearing civilian clothes, piloting…

The Constellation Hotel In Vientiane . Closed now under the name of The Asian Pavilion Hotel.

Tales From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-War Hotels-The Constellation

The Constellation Hotel Vientiane Location-   In the capital city of every war-torn country exists a curious oddity: a War Hotel. In Beirut, it was The Commodore; In Saigon, The Caravelle. War Hotels are the one sanctuary amidst the chaos and destruction of war, where journalists, diplomats, pilots, spies, war profiteers, smugglers, soldier, and mercenary,…

Tales From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-Fuel Tanks Raining Down

Tales From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-Fuel Tanks Raining Down

Air Craft Fuel Drop Tanks.   Location: Khammouane Province Ban Thabak-N18° 14.027′ E104° 39.742′   As a way of extending the flight duration, exterior fuel tanks were fitted on the wings or the main fuselage. Some Tanks were 600 gallons, some 2500 liters extending range considerably. Once empty the tanks were jettisoned and would fall…

Tales From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-Disappearing Trails-Route 23

Tales From The Ho Chi Minh Trail-Disappearing Trails-Route 23

Route 23: Savannakhet Tad Hay Bridge.   Location: N16° 16.760′ E105° 57.534′ The Red Princes Bridge.   Over the Xe Bang Heing River, this bridge was built in 1942 and designed by Souphanouvong who became the first President of Lao PDR in 1975. It was destroyed by the American bombing in 1967. South West of…